Monday, 17 August 2015

The Quickest Way To A Man's Heart

Wondering how to keep a guy interested beyond the first few dates? Maybe you're one of the many women who have felt the pain of a man pulling away completely out of the blue, even though everything seemed to be going well at the start. The Swan System Have you ever wondered why this happens and what you can do about it? The truth is that deep down inside, every man wants a relationship but he's afraid of losing his freedom. The moment a man feels like a woman is trying to "tie him down", he'll distance himself from her in an effort to maintain his freedom. The good news is that you can avoid making him feel that way quite easily, if you simply follow this one golden rule of how to keep a guy interested.

When you first start seeing each other, the last thing on a man's mind is a future together with you. Most men don't even think about what they're going to do tomorrow, much less for the rest of his life! So if you treat your first few encounters as some kind of "husband audition", he's going to freak out and run. Instead, the best thing that you can do at this stage of your relationship is to have fun together and find opportunities to show him your good qualities. The quickest way to disarm a man's fear of losing his freedom is to show him that you're not here to put an end to the fun in his life. If you're having fun together on your dates, he'll start to see you as someone who adds to the enjoyment and adventure in his life. So instead of meeting each other in boring and stuffy restaurants all the time, why not go out and do something like racing go karts or going rock climbing? Not only will you get to share a fun experience together, these shared experiences are the best way to bond with your man.

Remember, every man wants a relationship but commitment is the last thing on his mind when he's getting to know you. Most women who don't understand how to keep a guy interested turn these first few encounters into a "husband audition", which is a huge mistake. If you can show him just how fun you are by suggesting a fun activity together instead, you'll be sure to get his attention and skyrocket his attraction to you.

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